Streamline operations with accounts payable automation

Make invoice and payment authorizations effortless with Otelier DigiPay. Receive invoices, verify accuracy, send to authorizers, and pay vendors online, all in one secure platform. 

DigiPay helps hoteliers manage and pay vendor invoices efficiently. Give stakeholders across all departments the efficiency of automated invoice approvals so they can return to hospitality.

DigiPay Benefits







Streamline invoice authorizations

Save time and money on invoices with DigiPay. Create automated invoice approval workflows that fit your hotels’ specific needs and track invoice approval statuses, all in one place.

Receive invoices via direct email or upload

Verify invoice accuracy by cross matching with vendor records

Securely send invoices to stakeholders for authorization

Authorize online payments

Notify and send payments to vendors automatically. DigiPay partners with REPAY, a third-party payment provider, to securely execute payments and avoid fees.

Set up automated authorization and payment workflows

Pay vendors without having to manually print and cut checks

Track payment status with secure bank connections

Ensure invoices match contracts

Keep organized, secure records of invoices to verify invoices match the contract or agreement and prevent fraud. Automatically integrate and reconcile invoices with your accounting software for accuracy.

Easily manage vendor contracts, invoices, and payments

Ensure expenses are allocated to the right accounts with itemized coding

Provide clarity in financial reports and audits

DigiPay Features

Send Payments
Pay vendors and track payments with REPAY payment processing.
Itemized Coding
Allocate expenses to the correct accounts with chart of accounts mapping.
Batch Uploads
Scan and or email multiple invoices at once and process individually.
Track Payments
Reconcile payments with bank and accounting data to verify accuracy.

Add-on: Financial reconciliation to elevate your workflow

Rec powers up any Otelier product and makes bank, OTA, and third-party reconciliations easy and scalable for hoteliers.

Improve the OTA reconciliation process


Drive efficiency and unlock revenue with effortless bank and OTA reconciliation workflows.

Make income journal audits a breeze with Otelier Rec.

Income Journal

Ensure precise data in your hotel’s accounting system with automated daily income audit journaling tools. 

Always Innovating to Keep You Ahead

Connect with us to learn more about how AP automation can help you operate more efficiently.

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Reduced time on administrative tasks


Less time spent budgeting & forecasting


Cost savings per